How to Make Mayonnaise/Best Homemade Mayonnaise/Mayonnaise recipe in just 10 mints


Skip the store-bought Mayonnaise and try this  best homemade Mayonnaise recipe. A simple combination of eggs, oil, and seasonings is all you need to create a smooth, rich and creamy sauce.

It only takes 8to10 minutes. I am sure you have all the things in your kitchen right-now to make Mayonnaise. No need to buy Mayonnaise. Just grab a whisk, eggs, and oil, and you’re on your way to making mayo!

How to Make Mayonnaise?


  • 2 Eggs
  • 1/2 kg oil
  • 2pinch Black pepper
  • 1pinch salt
  • 2pinch Garlic powder


1. There are a few keys tips to keep in mind when creating mayonnaise. First make sure whatever you use (bowl ,spoon, blender) there is no water in it even not a single drop. Second is Refrigerate the oil for 1 to 2 hours.

2. First of all beat eggs to beat eggs I use blender jug but you may use electric beater or whisk it with Hand. Those tools are also do great job.

Beat Eggs:

               To beat eggs take blender jug add eggs, Black pepper, salt, Garlic powder.

Beat it for 3 to 4 mints or if you whisk it with hand then whisk it until mixture is fluffy and smooth. After 4 mints it looks like below;

Garlic powder in it give it a unique and yummy taste and make it different from store buy Mayonnaise. If you not like it you may skip it.

Add oil:

After beat the eggs next step is to add refrigerated oil. When you add oil there is two things to keep in mind.

  • First is Not add the whole oil in one instead of it add oil slowly slowly.
  • Second is not stop the blender when add oil.

If you not stop the blender then it give the smooth texture to Mayonnaise. Blend it until its mixture become thick. Not stop blender and continuously add oil.

After 5 mints it start to thick look like below;

It shows that you are on the way to make mayonnaise. When you feel your blender is not working then you may use spoon to mix oil.

After 7to8 mints the Mayonnaise become thick and ready to use.

Now, You can use it in burgers, chats, salads and many more.



